Friday, November 13, 2009

Empress Orchid - is there a film coming out?

I loved the book Empress Orchid and I swear I recently saw a trailer for the film of the book, but I can't find any mention of it anywhere.

I don't think the film was called Empress Orchid, but I can't remember what it WAS called so I'm not having much luck searching for it!

A lovely 10 points to the first person to prove I'm not going mad!!

Empress Orchid - is there a film coming out?

try this site'''
Reply:Well I'm going mad now. Spent ages on this question and at the end I have very little to show for it. All I know is that Oliver Stone bought the filming rights to Empress Orchid in 2003 but the only thing he has on-going at the moment is Pinkville which is about the My Lai massacre in Vietnam.

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