Friday, November 13, 2009

Is my orchid going to make it?

i bought an orchid a month or so ago. the flowers have started to fall off. but i am a little worried because the leaves have fallen off and the stems have turned brown. i have had orchids in the past, but i have never seen this before. is it dying? can i save it?

Is my orchid going to make it?
Did it freeze?

Orchids are hearty plants... the bulb is still fine, just keep watering it. Maybe get some miracle grow.

I froze a beautiful plant %26amp; every single leaf %26amp; stem died... 2 months later and its budding up again. :)
Reply:To help you we need to know the name of the orchid, or if you don't know the name let us know what the leaves look like. Oh, and by-the-way don't use any fertilizer on the plant. Fertilizer will put the plant in more stress than its already in. And even if you had a healthy orchid you shouldn't use Miracle Grow for the majority of orchids (has to do with how the orchid is being grown, and nitrogen in the fertilizer.)

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