Friday, November 13, 2009

Orchid Plants?

I received an orchid plant and recently the flowers have fallen off. Is there any way to save it? It's just the stem and I'm not sure if it will grow back again?


Orchid Plants?
The most important thing is to find out the name of your orchid. Some need sun, some do not.

Click this link:
Reply:I assume that you got the plant in flower. It is difficult to know how long the plant had been in flower before you got it. Cymbidium flowers will last for 2-4 weeks, so if it had been in flower for a week or two before you got it, loss of the flowers after you had it for a week may be unfortunate but normal. The fact that your plant still looks healthy is a good sign.

Soon your plant will be starting new growth which will be the basis for reflowering next spring. They like heavy feeding (30/10/10 or a higher first number, or add slow release fertilizer pellets, or both). Regular plant food can be used at the recommended dose on the label. They like lots of sun but must be gradually acclimated to the higher light levels. They do very well outside and like cool temperatures. People who grow them well tend to grow them outside on the north side of their home after the night temperature stays above freezing. They can be left outside in the fall and set their buds for the next year's flowering in the late fall. They require cool temperatures to set buds in the fall so temperatures in the 40's are fine and even the upper 30's. If you get an especially cold snap, bring the plant indoors until it warms outside again and put it back out. When it regularly gets below freezing, bring the plant in and place it in the coolest and brightest area you have. Remember that it will do fine in temperatures of 40 -50 degrees.

Few types of orchids thrive in temperatures as cool as cymbidiums like.
Reply:no once the leaves fall off its over. orchids are very delicate and difficult to maintain.

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