Friday, November 13, 2009

Will my Phalaenopsis Orchid bloom again after damage?


There was an accident where the stem that holds the blooms and spikes was crushed and dying off. I had to cut the stem down to the base of the orchid, all that is left is the green leaves. The green leaves are still very healthy after 4 months, but shows no signs of growing another flower stem. Will the orchid ever grow another stem and produce flowers again? Do I need to do anything special?

Will my Phalaenopsis Orchid bloom again after damage?
I have 27 phalaenopsis and they are all in different stages. It's a shame that you lost a healthy spike. You can try to let the plant go dormant. Cut back the watering to once every two weeks and move it to a slightly more shaded area of your home. Do this for about 8 weeks and then move it to slightly better light and start watering weekly. It's not really the right time of year for it to be dormant but this might work. OR you can scrap the whole thing and get a new one. Go to

Even if you don't get a new one, you could spend DAYS browsing the sight.

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