Friday, November 13, 2009

What type of orchid do I have?

I just bought an orchid from an orchid show today. On its little tag the seller wrote: Phal. Happy Valentine+ DTPS Sweet Strawberry. What does this mean? The flower is pink and near its "mouth" it is a yellow with purple specks. Please help!

What type of orchid do I have?
You have a hybrid Phalaenopsis.

The name indicates the parentage.

It is a cross between a phalaenopsis and a cross between a doritis and a phalaenopsis, which is commonly known as DTPS or doritaenopsis.

Doritis is a smaller cousin of the phalaenopsis with comparatively smaller (almost miniature) flowers. It has a habit of self-propagation by producing new plantlets from the mother plant base and stem. I doubt that this trade would be inherited by your plant.

See source for general information on phalaenopsis and how to take care of them.

It can get complicated :)
Reply:It may be a phalaenopsis orchid also called moth orchid these are the most common houseplants. I have included a site that may help you identify the specific plant you have. What he wrote is most likely the names of the parent plants used to produce the one you purchased.

fabric boot

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