Friday, November 13, 2009

Centipedes in my orchid?

My orchid plant is high up so that it gets sun. I took it down the other day to reposition the post for support and noticed about 20 little centipedes in the soil. Is it normal for them to be in orchid soil? if not, how do I get rid of them?

Centipedes in my orchid?
I've never heard of this either. Are you sure they are centipedes? Unusual for pennsylvania, although the growing media for orchids would suit centipedes. They're tropical and often habit moist decaying wood.

I'd just dunk the whole thing (soil and pot) in a common insecticide (follow dilution instructions on the label) and let it drain off. That should do it. Also shouldn't hurt the plant.
Reply:Wow I've never heard of that before that would scar the crap out of me! Have you done any research on the internet about it? What state do you live in?

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