Friday, November 13, 2009

Why are Callas, Orchid, and Cymbidium expensive?

Comparing Callas, Orchid, Cymbidium with other types of flowers, they cost double if not more. For example, 30 stems of Tulips cost $40 to $50, while 6 stems of Callas might cost a little over $150, and 2 stems of Orchid sell for $110 or so.

Why are Callas, Orchid, and Cymbidium expensive?
Orchids are very expensive to propogate and raise especially in volume. Even the most common orchid requires specific land constant, light, temp, humidy and Ph. Many also bloom infrquently or die after blooming.

Calla and Cymbidium, while not quite as picky, have similar issues.

The blooms themselves are not a resliant as tulips either and require special handling.
Reply:If you live in a temperate area you should consider growing your own Cymbidiums. I've had really good luck with them and I really don't do much for them except make sure that they have enough sunlight. I've got some bright yellow ones in bloom now and next are dark red ones and golden brown ones. I try to add one new one every year. They cost about $40 here.
Reply:They are harder to bring into bloom and they don't travel well so the sellers are only passing along the expense of importing them.

The Muse

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