Friday, May 21, 2010

Best way to take good care of my orchid...?

I want to know what the best way to take care of my orchid is, i spent 40 bucks on it, i don't want to see it die so soon...

Best way to take good care of my orchid...?
It should be in a pot full of bark chips (they call it orchid bark). And, the pot should be perforated on the bottom, so it will drain well. If that's the case, you don't need to repot it or anything. It will eventually start growing tendril-like roots out the top of the pot. This is normal. Do not repot for that reason. Burying those tendrils might kill the plant.

Water the plant once a week using the following method: Set the growing pot in a container that does not have drain holes in it. Run some water into the container to fully submerge the bark in the pot. Leave that sit for a half hour or so. Then pull out the orchid pot and let it set over a sink drain for a while to completely drain. Then put it back in a saucer or decorative pot. Watering this way soaks the bark (where the plant gets its water). It also draws atmospheric gases down into the bark that the plant needs between waterings.

Once a month or so, mix a granualted orchid food into the water when watering it (follow the mixing directions on the bottle).

As the flowers bloom and die, they will fall off. If this is the kind of orchid where the center bract turns brown and dies after the blooms die, you can cut it off. But, if it's the kind where the center bract stays green, do not cut this off. The next batch of flowers will bloom from this bract.

One thing that's really important for orchids is lighting. Most orchids prefer a couple hours or so of filtered light (mine sit on a window sill in the kitchen, where they get a couple hours of light filtered through some mini blinds every morning). Do not expose them to direct sunlght for any extended period of time.

If you follow these instructions, your orchids will bloom every 6 months or so and will be almost impossible to kill.
Reply:don't over water it when you see the soil is dry .put your finger in the soil about 1/2 inch if the soil is dry water it if it is a little wet do not water keep in half sunlight half shade meaning non direct sunlight.they realy don't require much maintance just follow these directions and your orchid should be fine.

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