Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How can I get my miltonia orchid to flower?

I bought this a little over a year ago when it was in bud and produced about 15 flowers. I've been keeping the potting medium wet and it looks great but there's no sign of a "spike"- the stem on which the flower buds form. I'm not sure where it grows naturally although I suspect it prefers filtered light and somewhat cooler temperatures. I fertilize it with various orchid mixes

How can I get my miltonia orchid to flower?
You are right that Miltonias prefer filtered light (east window is best) and cooler temps, but they also really need to dry out between waterings. It sounds like you have been watering a little bit too much. Especially to bloom they need to dry out for a little, so if you are watering them twice a week try only once. Miltonias also like high-nitrogen fertilizers. Good Luck!


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