Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Problems Orchid Face?

i want 2 know wat is the problems in orchid....(High-Tech Farmers)

Problems Orchid Face?
Try the home and garden category.
Reply:What do you mean?

What are the problems Orchids (as in the plant) faces.

1. Orchids need a tropical climate, they pull moisture from the air and their host (a tress, bark, etc.) which their roots become attached to. Some people plant an Orchid like a regular plant and then it dies, unless the orchid is a (soil) Orchid, than it is not to be planted, and most are not. You put it in a pot with holes for air and then fill it with orchid bark. The plant needs mainly a shaded area and does not do well in direct sunlight. You can hang it from a tree or your patio, mist it with water every other day, it loves mist. Do not hose it down, it needs mist not a spray.

2. Orchids are the type of flower that love to attach themselves to a tree or plant or dead bark. They can absord the nutrients of the dead or decaying matter. It is a great place to see an Orchid Thrive.

Why do most Orchids do bad? Because people treat them like any other plant, they are not any other plant, they are delicate and can easily die.

Hope that helped.
Reply:Orchids are Delicate and demanding plants.If any of the favourable planting conditions are not met they do not flower or thrive.As in general, majority number of orchids are aereal, found clinging on trees,rocks etc.The planting medium must be light yet moisture retaining.The following planting medium can be tried:Mixture of well decayed wood turned soil,Well seasoned animal dung (20%), Sand(10%), Mixture of Charcoal,bricks and wood bark (15-20%) and use fairly larger pots with several holes(clay pots are ideal)Plant the bulbs and one can cover the top with moss.Water the pot thoroughly and do not water for the next 15 days or so and keep them in a cool shaded raised location.Watering depends on the climate and the state of the plant.Should be watered more often if the plant has numerous leaf or if the days are less humid.Also make sure the plants are not kept near kitchens or other such places where unusual unnatural smell could be emitted.Water less when the plant is about to bloom or is blooming and do not disturb the position until the entire bud has developed as it upsets the natural grace of floral arrangement.You could also incorporate lots of pebbeled bricks in the area where orchids are kept as it helps retain moisture.Happy gardening....

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