Friday, May 21, 2010

What is the proper way to care for an orchid?

I have Phalaenopsis or Moon Orchid. My hubby gave it to me for mothers day. I really love it but I don't have much of a green thumb. It has a card that shows how to care for it, but it doesn't say if it is safe to put outside sometimes. If anyone has a better explination of how to care for them please let me know. I see some spots of the flower are turning orange from what used to be a fuscia/purple color.

What is the proper way to care for an orchid?
Don't put the orchid in full sunlight, but can go outside to freshen up when it's really warm. They like a warm and humid atmosphere, so ok to put outside in dappled shade when you water it. Snails and slugs will head straight for it, so keep out of reach. Better off inside in bright light. Keep it warm at all times like you would for African Violets. Don't let water get into base of leaves during cold weather as they can rot. Because they grow on trees naturally, pot them into pine bark, charcoal chunks,never soil, so air can move around the roots. Healthy roots will be white with a green tip. Fertilise with a weak organic fertiliser during times of growth. When the flower finishes, and individual flowers have dropped off, leave the stem until it dries, as sometimes they can grow new plants on the old flower stem, which can be removed once they have roots, and potted up to increase your collection.

The colour change on your flowers will probably be due to ageing of the flowers. Also, it will be in different conditions from the nursery where it was brought into flower, so the plant might be a little stressed. Different humidity, light etc than what it's used to, but they are fairly hardy and should serttle in ok.

Oh, and don't let it sit in water as this will rot the roots. If you sit the piot in a saucer or tray, try to raise the pot up out of the water that seeps through... water under the plant will increase humidity which they love, as long as it isn't keeping the roots wet. Let the plant dry out between waterings. Once a week or so in hot weather or warm indoors, once a month during cold times.

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